Summer 2024
CRISES in various areas are addressed in this issue of SEARCH: the deepening shortfall of vocations to ministry in the Church; the anxiety about populism’s threat to responsible democracy in Europe; and current spiritual challenges to the church and individuals, in the face of falling church attendance and rising suicide rates.
V Revd Lynda Peilow, our Central Director of Ordinands, leads off with an incisive survey of our needs in the C of I, followed by ‘vocations’ veteran Canon Stephen Ferns with some helpful new ideas from the C of V. Revd. E. Paul Draper and Revd. Timothy Kinahan follow up with further thoughts from Ireland south and north. Action required here!
Since Revd Darren McCallig, SEARCH’s former hon. secretary, left his TCD chaplaincy for Denmark nine years ago, we have often thought of him as in exile. Now he writes from his parish just south of London with reflections on ministry away from home. “Thinking allowed” remains his watchword, however varied his congregations and their context- and in Europe a “context” could mean hundreds of miles from one church to another of a Sunday. Canon Jack McDonald, writing more generally of the Church in Europe facing this month’s elections, comments that Irish Anglicans have an increasing presence in Europe, as do those of African origin. It is left to the Ven Leslie Stevenson, in our next article, to comment on the divergence between European and African views on scripture and how mutual listening is needed to avoid schism.
For more specifically spiritual challenges, we are led by Fr Jack Finnegan’s “Deliver us from Evil” to consider how best to help and heal individuals who have been so traumatised that they are led to damage other people and themselves, and increasingly to suicide. The line between psychotherapy and exorcism can be a porous one which only highly discerning helpers can hope to navigate. The hope for “spiritual awakening”, by comparison, remains realistic, even while congregations diminish, as post-pandemic research from Most Revd Richard Clarke demonstrates, before we turn to our Book Reviews.
Finally a big ‘Thankyou’ to V Revd Gregory Dunstan, who will take over as our subscriptions and finance
manager when Michael Denton retires later this year; and to Mr Denton for his years of devoted service.