SEARCH Journal

Vocations: the hard questions - reflections from the C of I’s central director of ordinands

THE ATTRACTION of answering God’s call to Holy Orders lies in the potential for personal transformation, spiritual growth and a deep sense of purpose. It offers a path towards greater love, compassion and connection with God. Embracing this call has the potential to provide comfort, peace, and guidance in navigating life’s challenges.

However, it has to be noted that there is a cloud of fear creeping in as vocations are in decline, although according to Archbishop John McDowell, the situation is ‘not yet catastrophic’. The significant number of retirements coming in the next seven years, coupled with the ninety vacancies at any given time in the Church of Ireland, is a cause for concern and requires strategy, response and action.

Despite its attractions, answering God’s call may involve fear and uncertainty. It means stepping into the unknown, letting go of control, and surrendering to the power of the Holy Spirit and the Church. Fear can arise from the fear of change, fear of judgement, fear of the unfamiliar, or fear of losing personal autonomy.

Ultimately, the attractiveness or fear in answering God’s call will vary from person to person, depending on individual beliefs, experience, and personal disposition. It is a complex and deeply personal journey that can evoke a mix of emotions and responses. The good news is that there are a significant number of people wrestling with vocation and in the process of discerning a path in ordained life. God continues to call people to Holy Orders.

* Full article available in printed copies.

Lynda Peilow

Provost of Tuam and Rector of St Nicholas, Galway, is the Central Director of Ordinands for the Church of Ireland.