SEARCH Journal

SEARCH - TCD Chaplaincy Colloquium 2025

‘Invitations to Christian commitment - transformative faith for the mid 21st century’

May 17th, TCD School of Religion,
10am - 5.30pm.

Cathedral initiatives.
(Revd Prof. Leslie Francis and V Revd Shane Forster)

University chaplaincy. “Thinking allowed”.
(Revd Darren McCallig and Revd Scott Evans)

Pursuing social justice and compassion.(Kevin Hargaden and Fr. Jim Caffrey)

Behold the Spirit - a renewed Pentecost?(Ruth Gyves and speaker TBA on Informal Worship, and V Revd Simon Lumby on Pilgrimage.)

Space will be limited so please book early with Michael Denton at and pay by cheque or bank transfer.

Price including light lunch and refreshments:

€40 / £35
Students: €20 / £18