SEARCH Journal

Spring 2020


WITH the Lambeth Conference coming up this summer and anxieties about the coherence of the Anglican Communion on the rise, some respectful and good-humoured dialogue is called for, along with a modicum of self-criticism. An attempt to model this is offered by the first two contributors of this issue, Patrick Comerford and David Huss, sharing and comparing different views of what it means to be both ‘conservative’ and ‘evangelical’. Readers are invited to ponder and respond - and Earl Storey’s reflection on the Hard Gospel project of 2005 - 2009, which follows, may help them to do so.

The other nagging issue is the growing threat to life on earth of the ‘civilisation’ we have developed. ‘Apocalyptic’ is a word we use increasingly to describe this nightmare; but Jewish ‘apocalyptic’ writing was intended to bring comfort – an assurance that beyond present and future tribulations God would bring joyous deliverance. Margaret Daly-Denton in this issue considers how we should understand such writing today. Not unconnected with these concerns, is Benjamin Wold’s exploration of the Jewish background to the petition ‘Lead us not into temptation’ in the Lord’s Prayer. Is Pope Francis right that it gives a misleading view of God in our time? Returning to SEARCH’s recent concern with the development of effective ministry today, we look in this issue at a recent initiative, that of ‘Messy Church’, which shows huge promise, and consider how best to renew a time-honoured but problematic institution, that of Confirmation. Alistair Doyle, regional co-ordinator of Messy Church for Leinster, considers the former, while Canon Cecil Hyland (a one- time C of I youth officer!) fields an experienced team to ponder the confirmation dilemma. The issue continues with a reflection on prayer and contemplation by N.I. religious studies teacher Nigel Martin and the latest in our Liturgica series by liturgist Professor Bryan D. Spinks. It concludes with Book Reviews by a distinguished team gathered by reviews editor Raymond Refaussé. This being the first issue of 2020, may I beg readers to renew their subscriptions for this year if they have not yet done so. This will be much appreciated by our treasurer and subscriptions manager, Michael Denton. My thanks to all concerned for help with this issue.


Are ‘conservative evangelicals’ really conservative and evangelical?

THERE have been stages in my life in which I was strongly influenced by the Evangelical tradition, a tradition that has helped to nurture my personal prayer life and that has also encouraged me in my vocation.

Patrick Comerford
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‘... in a spirit of constructive dialogue’

I HAVE been asked to respond briefly to Patrick Comerford’s contentions about the use of the term ‘conservative evangelical’ as a descriptor in church discourse today. I must admit I am very happy being a conservative evangelical, having a twin commitment to the great tradition of the Church and the great truth of the gospel. Who wouldn’t want to hold joyfully to these two things?

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A reflection on the Hard Gospel Project

IT WAS hearing of the murder of a police officer in the early 1980s that began my commitment to the cause of reconciliation on this island. I was a curate in mid-Ulster, in the mid 1980s.

Earl Storey
Earl Storey
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Understanding the apocalyptic worldview today

IN RECENT months, as the effects of climate chaos become more devastatingly evident, we have been hearing the word ‘apocalyptic’ with increasing frequency. ‘Hundreds trapped on pier after apocalyptic inferno turns sky red’ (the headline of an article about the Australian bush fires).1

Margaret Daly-Denton
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Considering Pope Francis’ adjustment to the Lord’s Prayer

THE DECISION by Pope Francis in 2019 to make changes to the Lord’s Prayer – i.e. to read “do not let us fall into temptation” rather than “lead us not into temptation” – has attracted considerable attention.

Benjamin Wold
Benjamin Wold
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Messy Church – opportunity and challenge

MESSY CHURCH is Church; it is a way of being church for families, it is a fresh expression of church based on values of creativity, hospitality, celebration, and fun.

Alistair Doyle
Alistair Doyle
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Rethinking Confirmation – an introduction

SOME people talk of a ‘crisis’ in Confirmation. That may be somewhat extreme, but the fact is that the Church is facing a serious problem with the effectivness of confirmation. To help our thinking in this area, I have invited a number people to share their experiences and insights, following this introduction.

Cecil Hyland
Cecil Hyland
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A hidden music

“I SEE him standing in the forest, listening to the rain.” This was how the Benedictine writer David Steindl-Rast described his lasting memory of Trappist monk Thomas Merton on what would prove to be the final meeting between them in 1968.

Nigel Martin
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Liturgica: The BCP in Ireland

I VISITED the Church of Ireland Theological Institute in Dublin in 2018, to study the history of the Book of Common Prayer in Ireland. I asked both faculty and students what they thought worked well in the present book, and what needed revision.

Bryan D. Spinks
Bryan D. Spinks
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