SEARCH Journal

Priest and Paramedic – Responding as Mission

A MEDICAL EMERGENCY is a distressing time, not just for the patient, but for their family and loved ones as well. All the more difficult can be the secular setting in which a person will find themselves. Busy Emergency Departments and hospital wards are not the most conducive to individual worship and prayer.

Indeed, during my many visits to hospitals across Northern Ireland, I have often encountered people in the chapels. Unfortunately, this was not always for prayer but instead a place to eat or have some peace and quiet away from the busyness of the hospital. However, there exists a wide range of Christian Professional & Sector Groups (CPSGs) across the United Kingdom, with several being specifically for healthcare staff. One such group, the Christian Ambulance Association, has operated within primarily the NHS Ambulance Services, since 2017. With the ever expanding independent or private sector, that is changing and now open to all who a) work within the ambulance sector; and b) identify as a Christian according to the basis of the Apostles Creed. Membership is free, and the UK is split into regions, with the Republic of Ireland joining Northern Ireland as one. Responding as mission as a concept encapsulates being an emergency first responder as a job, but then utilising this unique time spent with a patient as an outreach and mission opportunity to share the love of God.

* Full article available in printed copies.

Andy Moore

is currently the Curate-Assistant in the Parish of Ballymena. Before ordination, Andy was a senior Paramedic with the Ambulance Service, and is Chair of the Christian Ambulance Association.