SEARCH Journal

‘Zooming’ celebration: a radical experiment.

I AM WRITING these lines in Ireland at the very end of a year marked by a pandemic, on the cusp of a new year where our hope for the resumption of any form of safe physical human contact depends on mass vaccination. Our church buildings are presently closed again to group worship, as they have been on and off throughout the past ten months.

I AM WRITING these lines in Ireland at the very end of a year marked by a pandemic, on the cusp of a new year where our hope for the resumption of any form of safe physical human contact depends on mass vaccination. Our church buildings are presently closed again to group worship, as they have been on and off throughout the past ten months. And when they are open, it is possible for only very few to congregate. In other words, our church worship, as well as our family lives, social lives, working lives, travel and of course health are massively impacted . . . turned upside down. We have been and continue to be in uncharted territory, and will be for the foreseeable future.

* Full article available in printed copies.


Soline Humbert

as Soline Vatinel, co-founded BASIC (for women’s ordination in the R.C. Church). She is a member of “We Are Church Ireland” and a spiritual director.