SEARCH Journal

The Pope and the Archbishop: Ecumenical Reflections

In the spirit of the support of ecumenical engagement shown by both the new Pontiff of Rome and the new Archbishop of Canterbury, this article, written by an American Catholic and a Palestinian-born Israeli Anglican, will reflect on the new leaders of their respective faiths and then offer some commentary on the other’s reflections. While we discussed initial plans and outlines at various stages, the agenda was left purposefully open so that neither one of us would be forced to focus his viewpoint on the other’s priority or aims. In this regard, one gets a deeper sense of potentially differing perspectives while also seeing common threads and points for further dialogue and connection. Peter Admirand will first reflect on Francis I followed by comments from Yazid Said. After Said’s reflection on Justin Welby, Admirand will then offer some comments, followed by a brief conclusion.

* Full article available in printed copies.

Peter Admirand

is an American Roman Catholic theologian and a Lecturer in the School of Theology, Mater Dei Institute, Dublin City University.